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Pass CMA/CA/CS in First Attempt

The CA, CS and CMA exams conducted by the institutes (ICAI, ICSI and ICMAI) are tough. When you register to such an extraordinary courses, such as CMA/CA/CS, it’s rare to clear it in first attempt. So, please don’t get depressed and make habit of listening such stuffs from friends and relatives like

“Are kabse attempts pe attempts diye jaraha hai, kab pass hoga”?

“Engineering kiya hota to abtak settle ho gaya hota”

“Are beta kab pass hoga? Kab shadi karega?

It may happen when your parents scold you as they need to face embarrassment in society and you get more depressed and frustrated.

But, With a good plan, efficient study and dedication, anyone can conquer this Everest.

Therefor, here are some valuable suggestions for you regarding such situations and professional exams like CA/CMA/CS.

1. The first stage in your grand plan is to find out what’s in the exam. What topics are covered, what weight is given to each topic, the style of questions … etc.

2. Once you’ve gone through the syllabus, it’s time to get a hold of past question papers and mock exams. You can find some mock exams in the aforementioned websites in the student portals.

After you have the question papers, in addition, it’s time to do an analysis. Break each paper down and see if the questions follow the weightage/pattern given by the syllabi. You will see that for the most part, they do. You might think then that this is a waste of time.

Why analyse the papers if the weightage is already laid out? The advantage is that your brain learns by example. Theoretically you know from the syllabi, the rough weightage. It’s another thing to see it! And it primes your brain for further study.

3. Now that you know what’s going to be in the paper, you need to draw up a timetable. Account for all your regular daily activities. Perhaps you are in your articleship stage. Perhaps you are doing B.Com. or something on the side. Whatever it is, you need to set aside time for that. 

4. Join such exams only if you love this field and are ready to study for consistent period otherwise you will leave it partially completed wasting your time and energy.

5. Join good and reputed tuitions this is really really important at least for subjects like financial reporting, costing, international Finance, subjects related to foreign exchange.

6. I would suggest Study At Home Online Coaching if it is not possible for you to join tuitions in person.

7. Friends Books & Modules are really big , so you should know what not to study & read.

8. Smart work is more important than hard work, after solving problem or reading theory  Ask yourself whether you understand the concept.

9. Always discuss with your friends, how you should study. But there are some own tricks those feel suitable for your studies. Try to identify those and listen to your heart.

10. Don’t hesitate to take suggestions from your friends those who have clear their exam.

11. Most and majorly important, Never compare yourself with others.

12. To keep your mind cool & positive, do pranayam or learn sudarshan kriya (This is really incredible). This will keep your mind focused.

13. When you feel frustrated or low watch Sandeep Maheshwari’s motivating video on You Tube that’s really amazing.

14. Last but not the least have faith in god.

I hope these suggestions will help you to improve your performance in exam.

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