The Magical Formula for Clearing CA Exams

With the never ending pressure to clear the exams and the fear of failure, it’s a vicious circle through which a student goes through. In such a scenario, it’s the magical formula that I’m now going to discuss that will keep you going and help you add the prefix to your name.

Why do People Quit?

The pass percentage of the CA course is very low. But we only talk about those who secure a rank let alone passing while ignoring the larger picture, i.e the people who don’t clear the exams. Have you ever wondered what happens to them? At the end of the day do they clear or not? Or do they quit? If they quit, what could be the possible reason? Is it the commitments which one has or the student has stopped believing in him/her?

The reasons can be multiple. But what I suggest is to think once about why you took this course and the dream that you saw before deciding to quit. Probably then you will decide otherwise.

Positive Attitude

Positive attitude is very important when you are in a professional course like CA. It’s one such thing that makes the difference to the way you approach life. When you fail in the exam don’t get disheartened, instead get up, dust yourself and start again with a smile. You have never failed till you decide to quit. Think of a scenario- you and your friend have been classmates getting the same education from the same faculties, referring to the same books and studying the same hours. Yet one of you clears and the other fails. But why the different result? The Answer is “Positive Attitude”

Positive Talking

Half of the battle is won in the mind. Remember the famous dialogue from the movie 3 Idiots- ‘All is Well” It can be applied to real life as well. As soon as you wake up, before starting your day, allot 5 minutes to positive talking with yourself. Repeat- ‘I’m born to be a CA”, ‘I’ll clear the exams”, ‘I’ll secure a rank in the Exam” and ‘I’ll be successful”. Trust me when I say that by reiterating the above lines every morning to yourself will make a lot of difference to your life. It will slowly transform you into a confident and successful person.


One of the main reasons why people quit is because they cannot accept their failure. Accepting failure doesn’t mean compromising. It means coming to terms with reality and yourself. Once you have accepted that you haven’t cleared the exam, you will start pondering about the possible reasons that have landed you where you are. This way you will think of the means to improve yourself and bounce back to your goal.


When we are in dire situations, it’s not uncommon for us to blame others for what we are going through. But in reality, it is our own actions that have put us in the situation we are in. So be responsible for your decisions that landed you here and stop self-pity by blaming it on others. Taking responsibility will give you a clear picture of what went wrong and will caution you against the hasty decisions.


Often it is said one should choose their passion as their career. It is true as well. The amount of dedication, determination, commitment and hard work one shows/does when their passion is their career is at a different level. It will be the passion that enables them to reach greater heights.

Few might also argue that they don’t have a choice to make when it comes to career. In that case make it into your passion. That way you would still be able to be successful.

When you infuse passion into your career, it never feels like taking a break from it as you will enjoy working.

The Combination of Hard Work and Smart Work

In order to achieve something one has to work towards it. There is neither any shortcut for success nor any substitute for hard work and smart work. One needs to find a perfect combination of hard work and smart work to reach their goal.

So the magical formula to clear your CA exams is a combination of positive attitude, positive thinking, acceptance, responsibility, passion and a combination of hard work and smart work. Now that you have the magical potion with you, go grab your success.

– Neethi V. Kannanth

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