7 suggestions to help you excel in Exams

Dear Students, I understand that all of you would be completely engrossed into your preparations. It’s really a high time to change the way you are preparing, but for people who are still to start or have just started especially those who write group 2 doing their articleships, here is a small bundle of suggestions to help you excel.

1. Golden Subject: The 1st more important thing- know which subject will take you lesser time to finish preparation than others or put in simpler terms order them in ascending manner to understand how much time you will require for each subject.

2. Rounds: Plan your timetable in a way that once you finish your 1st round of preparation you are still left with sufficient time to do atleast 1 or 2 more rounds.

3. Planning: Make it very sure that you stick to your plan no matter what happens. This could be the most difficult part of the preparation for any student. It is very common that everyone will have some or the other work will be definitely come during your preparation. I suggest atleast get to know your plans atleast 1 or 2 days before, amend your timetable in the appropriate way.

4. Daily Goals: One very common thing which I observed in students is, once they start planning their studies, they divide their syllabus equally among all days. The point to be noted here is, once you start preparing the initial days of your studies will be little less productive, idle time will be high, it is that time which your brain takes to adjust and bring it to study mood from your daily routine. Plan your timetable in a way so that u meet your goals on a daily basis. I suggest that your schedule for the 1st day of your preparation should be minimal allowing your brain to adjust, else like what I see in students is they fail to finish their daily schedules and day by day it keeps accumulating and students lose hope slowly.

5. Proper Sleep: Make sure you have sufficient sleep atleast for 6 hours a day. I suggest try taking power naps of 15 to 20 minutes after every 3 or 4 hours.

6. Biological Clock: Drink sufficient water and eat at proper intervals. Don’t try to alter the biological clock that your body is addicted to. Any such alterations may lead to lesser concentration levels.

7. Believe in Yourself: The most important among all “Trust yourself”. A very good friend of mine taught me ” You have to trust the work you do, if you only do not trust it, you can never convince a 3rd person to trust your work”. I understand the syllabus itself demands a little more efforts than limits, but don’t lose hope, even from today, you have enough time to excel. Don’t lose hope, remember one thing, these days of hardwork can change your life and can put you in a better place than where you are now. Don’t give up, think of the rewards what a month’s efforts can give you.

All the very best students.

– Sateesh Siraparapu

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