Is CA the toughest course in India?

The list of toughest courses in India is a long one. When it comes to the toughest professional courses in India and abroad, medicine, engineering, and law come to our mind. But perhaps we forget that Chartered Accountant (CA) is one of the toughest too. But is CA the toughest course in India? Yes, Chartered Accountancy (CA) is one of the toughest courses in India.


Every year many career aspirants with big dreams in their eyes get attracted by CA. While some candidates are serious about cracking the exam in one shot, others just want to have a go and give it a try. Let’s take a look at why CA is considered the toughest professional course in India.

  • The syllabus is vast and complex.
  • The CA course is bifurcated into three levels or phases viz, foundation, intermediate and final. The curriculum at each level is vast and any aspirant will find it intimidating. Syllabus is one of the main reasons that attribute to a lower rate of success in CA exams. There are objective and subjective type and wrong answers carry negative marks. On top of that, you have to acquire 40% in every subject and 50% aggregate in every group.
  • Apart from being huge, the syllabus keeps getting updated, upgraded, and modified from time to time. This is due to the changes in economic reforms, laws and taxation policies.
  • In the foundation course, there are questions on the fundamentals of accounting, mercantile law, quantitative technique, and general economics. For wrong answers in all the theoretical papers, there is negative marking.
  • In the intermediate course, the syllabus comprises accounting, corporate and other laws, cost and management accounting, direct tax laws and indirect tax laws, advanced accounting, auditing and assurance, I.T and strategic management, financial management and business economic environment. The final phase of the CA course includes financial reporting, information system control and audit, direct tax laws and indirect tax laws.
  • The final phase of the CA course includes financial reporting, information system control and audit, direct tax laws and indirect tax laws.

Tips to Successfully Crack the CA (Chartered Accountant) Exam:
  • Make and follow a schedule inevitably.
  • Become seasoned with the latest study modules.
  • Study under the guidance of experts.
  • Remain away from daily distractions like mobile phones, TVs, etc.
  • 6-8 hours of sleep, 8-10 hours of study and 1 hour of your favorite activity – will work for you.
  • Cover 100% syllabus with missing any crucial topic.
  • Gain clarity on each and every subject.
  • Grease the wheels for yourself with review and revision.
  • Recognize the subjects, you are excellent in because these will help you achieve the 50% aggregate criteria.
  • Practice questions of last years’ exam and that of ICAI MTP & RTP.

Trusted and renowned CA institutions provide the latest tips, tricks, study materials, and last-minute suggestions. They also make students familiar with the latest exam format and provide model test papers for developing speed and accuracy. Training is provided by expert tutors with vast theoretical and practical experience. They clear all the concepts by starting from scratch through video lectures, eBooks, and printed study materials.

Modes of teaching consist of interactive sessions for clearing the doubts, live streaming, pen drive, and videos.

CA course is not tough if you have the right training, preparation, confidence and motivation to excel.
Enroll at Study At Home that provides excellent video lectures and adopts a student-oriented approach.
Get coaching from the best CA teachers and prepare yourself thoroughly.

We wish good luck!
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