Stratergy to Crack Competitive Exam

To crack any competitive exams, you first need to understand the pre- requisites for the examination. Before appearing for the Examination, you should completely review syllabus of the exam, various subjects, weightage given to each subject, so that you can plan your study accordingly. A look at the previous years’ question paper may also help you to get an idea about the exam pattern.

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1. Start practice answer writing as soon as possible

“Perfection is myth” , do not wait for some day that you will complete all chapters and you will expert on the subject and then you will write answers. That day will never come when you feel perfect so start writing as soon as you complete one chapter. Start solving each and every question in such a way that you will be writing the same in exam hall.

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2. Follow a time-table

As a first step, make a time-table keeping in mind what you want to achieve in short-term and long-term. Preparing a time based goals will help you know how much time you need and how to prepare for the exam. You must consider a few points while making a timetable such as fix a timing for study, don’t study more at a stretch, take short breaks in between, and more importantly – give more time for the difficult study- plan is easy but difficult to follow.

3. Make Short notes

Do not make notes that every other can understand. Prepare a notes in such a way that you can revise whole syllabus in 6-8 hours.

4. Evaluate Yourself

Evaluating yourself from time-to-time is crucial for an effective exam preparation. You’ll easily get Free Test Series on our website. You should attempt solving these papers and previous year question papers. A few points you can consider :

  • Imagine like you are in an examination hall and try to solve the sample paper at a stretch without taking breaks in between. For instance, if you are going to attempt a three- hour exam, you must solve the Test Series within three hours. 
  • After solving entire Test, analyze your answer sheet and do not forget to revise these topics which you have got wrong.
  • Avoid guesswork as many competitive exams also have negative marks for wrong answers. 

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5. Life is more than an Exam Result

Do not take much stress, as stated in 47th verse of the second chapter of Bhagavad Gita, “Do your work, don’t worry about the result”. Life is much more than just an Exam Result. Give your 100%, do not think about the things on which you have no control.


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