Good Communication is Just as Simulating as Back Coffee, and
Just as Hard to Sleep After
“Communication – the human connection- is the key to personal and career success.”
Paul J. Meyer
When it comes to establishing a successful profession, effective communication skills are important. However, your ability to communicate is crucial in your personal life as well.
Although communication appears to be simple, often when we try to communicate with others, there is always the risk of misunderstanding, which can lead to conflicts. Successful communication skills allows us to gain a greater understanding of individuals and situations. It also helps in overcoming differences as well as building trust.
Follow these 3 steps to improve your communication skills:
1. Think before you respond
Have you ever said something in a discussion and then regretted it? Or wished that you’d said it differently? The answer to this question is undoubtedly a yes.
Before you speak, consider whether it is necessary or not. Just because it could be said, doesn’t mean it needs to be. After you’ve listened and comprehended, take some time to think about what you want to say. Thinking before we speak gives us the time to analyse the impact of the words we’re using.
Choose your words wisely. No number of apologies will matter, once the words have left your mouth.
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2. Body language is important
Studies by Dr Albert Mehrabian, indicate that 55 percent of communication is conveyed through facial expressions, gestures and posture and only 7 percent comes through the actual words.
You can tell a lot about someone from their body language and a lot more about their interest towards the conversation. Any discrepancy in our body language and speech can make us appear deceitful.
How to evaluate different types of Body Language:
– Facial expressions: Your face can express countless emotions without saying anything.
– Body movement: The way you move and carry yourself speaks volumes. This includes your postures, gestures and all the movements you make.
– Eye contact: Eye contact is important to maintain the flow of conversation. It shows whether you are really interested or not.
– Touch: Different messages are given by a firm handshake, warm hug, folded arms, etc.
Maintain Direct eye contact, give respect by putting your phone away, and facing them, so they can have your complete attention.
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3. Engage with others as much as possible
Draw your listeners into the conversation. Involving them helps to create a personal connection leading to better communication and understanding.
How to be more engaging in your conversations?
– Encourage others to share their opinions on the topic: This would make them feel that you care about their views and thoughts.
– Ask questions: People love to talk about themselves so asking questions is a great way to communicate (especially when you don’t know them that well).
– Use humour: Funny incidents, hilarious stories or well-told jokes can do wonders. It helps you to connect better.
– Become an active listener: Give full attention to what others are saying. Don’t just wait for your turn to speak.
– Pause between your sentences: It is very important that you give others the chance to speak as well. They might have something they’d like to add.